The Eyes

As I was leisurely walking through the streets of the Castle region in Budapest, I became suddenly aware of a pair of eyes looking at me. I had seen similar eyes in the Saxony area a few months ago in Germany and was surprised to see them so far away in Budapest! See for yourself and smile – the eyes are watching you!   To see some more pictures to bring smiles to your faces, you can look here. Continue reading The Eyes

The artist in the skies

One evening when I was working in the kitchen, I saw a glimpse from my window of something enchanting in the skies. I immediately came out with the phone in hand and followed the skies till I reached near some fields. And there it was – one of the most magnificent sunsets I have seen and I didn’t even have to travel anywhere fancy for a vacation to see was just there on an ordinary day making it special. For more such pics of sunrises and sunsets, you can visit here. Continue reading The artist in the skies


Sometimes when I see the temples in India, I get the feeling of seeing something that is not of this earth. Who are these Gods and Goddesses elaborately carved on the temples? Beings who look like humans but with multiple hands and multiple heads..Is it just the sculptor’s way of depicting something that is considered omnipotent and omniscient or was there some time when such other worldly beings really came and passed on some knowledge to the mankind? It all seems quite implausible and mind boggling if you start to think about it but then again, who can claim to … Continue reading Otherworldly

In the Crowd but Different

There are times when you see someone who stands out from the crowd and then it feels great to have a camera! While walking through some streets, I found this gem below. Although there was no crowd here, these “two” ladies would have stood out even in a sea of people! And another time, one gets some pictures without working for it. Like this one in red jacket who kind of photo-bombed in my otherwise quite normal photo. I think at that time, I was a bit irritated as I’d been trying to take a picture of the palace with … Continue reading In the Crowd but Different